Platform Resource Scheduler
I was pleased that we received lots of favorable press coverage related to our Platform Resource Scheduler (PRS) announcement. PRS is a more sophisticated scheduler for OpenStack clouds. Chaiti Sen of IBM deserves all the credit for lining up the various industry publications. I was interviewed for the articles referenced here.
Information week picked up my “Goldilocks” analogy (I was proud of that and made it a blog article!) – http://www.informationweek.com/cloud/infrastructure-as-a-service/ibm-builds-a-better-openstack-scheduler/d/d-id/1113355
Silicon Angle – http://siliconangle.com/blog/2013/12/24/tech-giants-boost-openstack-ecosystem-with-new-software/
The Register – http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2014/01/09/ibm_resource_scheduler_upgrade/
More coverage at http://storify.com/chaitisen/ibm-sde-product-announcement-platform-resource-sch